EAD Homes

About Us

About EAD Homes

EAD Homes is a one-stop solutions company for all of your home building and renovating needs. Our services range from new construction to home renovations and ongoing maintenance; all done professionally and conveniently.

Our goal is to become your go-to Los Angeles construction services company for renovations and remodeling. We are able to maintain a high standard of quality in our work through a strong in-house team of architects, designers, project managers, and skilled craftsmen with many years of combined experience in the construction industry to deliver a polished and professional finish. Our processes are efficient to ensure your project is completed on time and within budget while using high quality materials and workmanship.

edgar avalos owner of los angeles based construction company EAD homes

Edgar Avalos, Owner and Founder

Message from the Owner

My name is Edgar Avalos and I’m the founder and owner of EAD Homes, a Los Angeles-based construction company that focuses on providing individuals with residential construction services. EAD Homes provides custom construction solutions that stand out and provide clients a great experience with the enduring challenges faced with a construction project. 

While the construction industry suffers from a few bad apples, I founded EAD Homes with great aspiration to transform the image of a general contractor. Construction is definitely a high-risk and challenging industry, but I have taken a bold step in my career to establish EAD Homes with the sole purpose of providing individuals with top construction services. 

This trade has been passed down from generation to generation and it’s been put in my hands to continue striving to make a difference and to make it a superior industry for the generations that will follow. The passion I have for this industry and my commitment to make a positive impact have produced a drive to learn and develop the knowledge that comes with experience to implement several strategies to improve the construction process.

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